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Volunteers are essential to helping us maintain an efficient, successful sale.  If the Drop & Shop is a benefit to you and your family, please consider giving a few hours of your time to volunteer.

NEW THIS EVENT:  We are reducing the number of hours needed from 4 to 3, and you can now choose to do 3 hours at the event, or do 2 hours at the event and 1 hour remote.  The remote work involves posting on social media.  If you sign up for the remote option, we will contact you with more information and guidance.
In return, volunteers are given a Shopping Pass to our Pre-Sale Shopping Night, which occurs the evening prior to the event opening to the public.  
We need help before, during and after the event.  Work shifts are limited and are reserved on a first-come first-served basis. 
You may sign up to volunteer at our online consigning system.  Log in and click on Work Shifts at your Consignor Home Page.

If you are not a Consignor but would like to Volunteer, click on the link below to see the available work shifts and follow the link to Register as a Worker.
View Available Work Shifts​


Important Notes:  No children are allowed to join you when you are volunteering.  You are NOT allowed to shop while working your shift.  If you are volunteer on FRI, SAT or SUN (after the PRE-SALE event), and you fail to fulfill your volunteer requirement after attending the PRE-SALE, you will be charged $85 and will not be allowed at future PRE-SALE events.  Thank you for understanding.
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